Disable Auto Tile and set size to 32x32 manually. Answer (1 of 2): In Cycles render settings, change your tile size to the resolution of your texture. In the past decade Cycles has developed into a full-fledged production renderer, used by many artists and studios. Using a larger tile size than the rendering size should usually not improve render times. For textured materials, fill in texture size in meters. Cycles - set the tiles size to 16x16 or 32x32 for CPU rendering. The render engine we use can be set in the render settings tab found in the properties panel. This add-on gives you some quick controls to get the best possible tile sizes for the fastest possible Cycles render. bigger tiles render faster than small tiles, but this depends on your Cores and threads. Since Blender Version 2.83, there is the Adaptive Sampling feature, which allows Blender to use different sampling rates in the same image. If you need to Rotate or change the Location of the image texture then use the other values available right next to Scale. Changing the dimensions of the tiles is very important because it can significantly speed up the rendering. add a Texture Coordinate node (Add - Input) and connect its UV output to the. When rendering in Cycles, it's always important to pay attention to your sample rate and your tile size. The suggested tile size for Blender v2.79 and earlier editions is 256x256 to get the most out of the GPUs, but developers made strides with v2.80 in using smaller tile sizes for CUDA renders so it no longer needs to use large tiles. 'Tiles' are the little boxes that you see appear when Blender is rendering the scene. Optimizing the tile size will significantly reduce your render time. Micropolygon rendering: the Rendering Render Tile size property is by default low to prevent the renderer from using large amounts of memory. Eevee - we do not support Eevee currently (actually Blender does not support rendering Eevee in headless mode). The same as the CPU tile sizes but these are used when rendering with a GPU. Thus, it's important to always keep all your tiles the same size and as square as possible. Setting up tiles for GPU Rendering: In the Render panel, open the Performance tab. One method could be to divide the rendering area first into larger tiles (like 256x256) that would be optimal for the GPU to render each tile. Increasing tiles are recommended when rendering to a large size and need the CPU cores to render smaller segments.